When you are looking for tennis windshield covers, you came to the right place at Howitec Netting. Not only do we offer several high-quality tennis nets, also windshield covers in different sizes are included in the assortment. Windshield covers are also called shielding canvasses. The wind can play an important role in the game of tennis when playing on an outdoor court. A tennis windshield cover protects the tennis players against strong winds. Ideal to be placed at the fence of any tenniscourt, especially because you can order windshield covers in different sizes at Howitec Netting.
The windshield covers by Howitec Netting in the standard version are green and have a reinforced seam. A nickelplated copper eye has been placed every half a meter which means the covers can be easily attached with symplex hooks. Contact Howitec Netting now and inquire about the (many) possibilities!